Friday, January 21, 2005

And the winner is....

I'm leaving in a little while for Ireland, so I thought I would inform you of my most momentous decision. For my vacation reading I chose Nick Hornby's The Polysylabic Spree (ISBN: 1932416242, $14 McSweeney's Publishing) a collection of his essays about reading (and what books he bought that month and why) collected from Believer Magazine, and Arabian Nights translated by Hussain Haddawy (ISBN: 0393313670 $16.95 Norton, W. W. & Company) as the translation seemed facile and the stories were often very short. I will also be reading my geneology notes and a bunch of magazines, including Forbes which has a cover article about blogging. Quel apropos, no?

For those of you who want to see what the Irish bestsellers are at Easons (their version of Barnes & Nobles) look Not too different from our lists.
