I even got up early Christmas morning and drove to Ryan’s house about 9 a.m. to wallow in the joy of watching the kids on Christmas morning. A few waves of visitors and my other brother showed up with his cute kids and the third wave of opening presents commenced. I brought two cameras with me (one digital and one film) and snapped a few hundred shots of the kids ripping through gift wrap or playing together peacefully. We even got a family photo, the first with all twelve of us (so far + one dumb mutt).
These people are what I am thankful for.
The Whole Clan:
Ryan using his light saber to protect Xmas from the evil Sith Lords:
Aiden wondering what the heck I'm doing:
Molly more interested the in the toy oven than anything else:
Grace in a bag (no, we are not trying to regift her):
And little Sarah who was more outgoing and less shy this time around.
Happy Holidays to all!