Yes, I know I’ve left all you BookKook fans in limbo wondering where I’ve been. While I would rather confess that I was off tramping around the Lost City of Atlantis using Google Maps - Viola! -sadly, I was not.
Like everyone else in the bloggosphere, I hit the great blank wall of midwinter and decided to ride out bleak February until more hopeful spring arrived. I have been busy reading and writing. I did learn some things in the interim:
That a little snow can shut down Ireland & Great Britain!
What the Stimulus Bill means to my home state of Connecticut (according to Senator Chris Dodd) Here.
That even before the horrible attack in Stamford, no one should own a pet chimp: (warning:disturbing images) and (more here too).
That Shakespeare looks a little like me: (oh go on, yes he does!)
That the Kindle is the next iPod: (although it is NOT a book and CAN NEVER replace it, EVER!!)
That only four times in U.S. history has a president asked a poet for an Inaugural Poem:
-John F. Kennedy of Robert Frost
-Bill Clinton of Maya Angelou in 1993
-Bill Clinton of Miller Williams in 1997
-and Barak Obama of Elizabeth Alexander in 2009
(What’s the matter? Are Republicans anti-poetry? Well, honestly, only Maya Angelou’s poem is any good.)
What a Mondagreen is.
And immediately found an example.
That the Kepler Space telescope, looking 3000 light years up our spiral arm of the Milky Way could discover Earth like planets. Hello!
That the Japanese love of transforming robots has now crossed over to aviculture.
And even a wild animal has a heart..
And most importantly, I’ve discovered what Anthony Bourdain really thinks of his fellow chefs. Sorry, Rachel Ray!